gender-specific|gender specific in English

elated to a particular gender, of or pertaining to either male or female specifically

Use "gender-specific|gender specific" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gender-specific|gender specific" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gender-specific|gender specific", or refer to the context using the word "gender-specific|gender specific" in the English Dictionary.

1. Androcentrism also positions men as the gender-neutral standard while marking women as gender-specific

2. The report was redrafted to remove gender-specific language.

3. In languages without alphabets, gender-specific translations show in each language’s standard indexing order by gender label.

4. Source: Agender: Having no specific gender identity or having a gender identity that is neutral.Sometimes used interchangeably with gender neutral, genderless, or neutrois

5. Androcentrism refers to the tendency to prioritize men as a seemingly “gender-neutral” standard, while “otherizing” women as gender-specific (Bem, 1993, p

6. Between you, two sets of speculations unfurl, speculations that correspond to gender-specific concerns.

7. Because Bmi changes with age, doctors plot Bmi measurements on standard gender-specific growth charts

8. Billeting has specific requirements about guest lodging since some facilities are dual gender and have shared bath

9. This paper employs the generational accounting approach to assess the intergenerational and gender-specific fiscal burden imbalances.

10. They continue in many cases to supply only aggregated data which cannot be used for gender-specific analysis.

11. This speaks to the importance of allocating specific funds to the advancement of women’s rights and gender justice.

12. Chauvinism, though often wrongly considered to be gender-specific, is simply biased devotion to any cause, group or idea

13. Based on these findings, we conclude that there is a different, gender-specific aetiology of iron deficiency in the elderly.

14. The point is that the differences and similarities are not necessarily mutually exclusive; rather, they both raise gender-specific issues.

15. We need to look, then, for the specific practices that produce gender roles rather than stopping at the roles themselves.

16. Gender nonconformity is simply not Conforming to gender roles

17. Ambiguine is an ambiguous gender, a gender associated with ambiguity, or a gender associated with an ambiguous gender presentation. It is similar to ambigue.

18. If your product varies by gender, submit the gender attribute.

19. Binary Gender Male/Female, the opposite of a NonBinary Gender

20. Agender is a gender where the individual has no gender identity

21. Androgynous is a quality that a gender or gender presentation can have, but it is not a gender on

22. There are many different kinds of Bedpans; some are gender specific, while others are disposable or can be used continually after a good cleaning

23. A Gender Gap?

24. Cisgender and transgender identity are grounded in gender roles, but because gender roles are socially constructed and gender is not a very clearly defined concept, gender is a spectrum

25. Best fitting gender non-conforming clothing, Androgynous Fashion, non-binary, Gender non-conforming jackets, LGBT+ style, gender free style, unisex clothing